initiatives by the Tanzanian government to control the problem of solid
waste, the problem stays a threat to the coastal population, marine and
coastal environment. Both financial and technical interventions are
required for provision of appropriate technologies, institutional
capacity building and strengthening and human resources development.
challenge is, with increased urbanisation (current population is
estimated at 4.10m people, with solid waste generation amounting to 3100
Tonnes/ Day while the amount being properly collected and disposed off
is 1200 Tonnes/ Day (39%). Makoba (2008, p. 14) points out a current
population growth rate of 4.9% per annum for the city of Dar es Salaam.
This means there is an increased population and undoubtedly increased
rate of solid-waste generation and the DCC is bound to come up with
effective strategies for managing the solid wastes, if the solutions are
to be sustainable.
the recently closed dumpsite at Mtoni along the seashore largely
impacts the coastal ecosystem in the sense that leachate spills off into
the ocean, bioaccumulation through heavy metal impacts into the ocean
and its ecosystem particularly fish which people consume and
insufficient sunlight that impacts the marine biodiversity. The impacts
are many include dirtying the ocean water towards inner-ocean by the
solid waste and by leachate dripping-offfrom decomposing waste and
scavengers; all these changing the coastal ecosystem.
The goal
of this study was to improve solid waste management and reduce pollution
in order to protect human health as well as to enhance the quality of
the coastal and marine environment in Dar es Salaam. The focus was on
privatization and refuse collection charges.
showed that the collection of solid waste in Dar es Salaam has been
hampered partly by poor infrastructure and equipment, management
arrangements which have not adequately coordinated the interventions of
the different actors before and after decentralization of the collection
service, inefficient collection and management of the refuse collection
charges, designing fault with solid waste collection point, lack of a
proper landfill, among others.
emphasise on awareness campaigning at all levels of the system, to
educate residents on the necessity of cost sharing for services and
threats associated with improper disposal of solid waste. Others are
promoting political will across all leadership levels, adopting a two
level contractors’ structure and increasing the solid waste contracts to
5 years, redesign the primary waste collection points and the Dar es
Salaam City Council to put in place strategies for obtaining an
engineered landfill site since this is a guarantee for final disposal of
solid waste in a secure manner by minimizing the impacts on the
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