Monday, February 9, 2015


There are several ways to ensuring a successful future for agricultural products. First, we must attract and keep high quality teachers. Bright young people entering agricultural education will ensure it sustains itself in future years. Teachers need the support of strong state and national leaders to help them keep abreast of changes in teaching technology and methodology along with technical knowledge in agriculture. Another key to future success will be agricultural education's ability to deliver instruction to diverse audiences in diverse settings. Our programs must become global in scope and available to students of varied age levels and backgrounds. Distance delivery of instruction will become commonplace. Agricultural literacy will become a more important focus for agricultural educators, and we will need to determine the primary customer for our literacy efforts. For example, we should consider targeting Primary and Secondary students as the primary audience for our agricultural literacy efforts. By providing high quality instructional materials and establishing agricultural clubs in schools, agricultural educators can focus their efforts on a specific target population. Some of these students will be taught by teachers trained to teach agriculture while other students will receive instruction from teachers with little formal training in agricultural education. To ensure successful integrated instruction occurs, Students participating in those agricultural clubs should have their own gardens whereby they will learn skills on how to grow certain crops and controlling pests and etc.


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