Among other things, the group intended to learn how best advocacy can be
done for the Karagwe farmers to enhance access to markets and fetch
optimal prices for their produce, bearing in mind it is a border
regional town.
Speaking at a one day meeting, Sr. Editha Sylivester, KAD Planning and Development officer, said their organisation was eager to know how MVIWATA has been able to assist farmers address their challenges while it adds value to their welfare.
On his part, Mr Ibrahim Kimani, a facilitator from Danmission, who accompanied the group said Karagwe farmers could use MVIWATA rich experience could sort coffee market problem, which was apparently distorted by unscrupulous dealers.
“We have come here purposely to learn how farmers in Karagwe can be enabled to sell their produce, coffee or beans, at competitive prices,” said Mr Kimani.
Responding to the posed questions, the MVIWATA Team Leader- Economic Empowerment, Mr Nickson Elly said that through numerous agribusiness, entrepreneurship and advocacy trainings, MVIWATA members were capacitated of bargaining skills to get desirable prices.
“It didn’t happen overnight. We invested in training farmers groups on
key subjects. And through the markets that we have built in their areas,
farmers can now fetch better deals for their crops,” he said.
The tour that was done by MAYAJA and FAP farmers groups (12 persons) resolved with their host that it was high time the two NGOs find ways to work together by learning and exchanging experience on their operations.
“I am very delighted to know MVIWATA ‘s approach. We will see how better we can work together in future especially in our district where you also operate as MVIWATA covers all the country,” added Sr. Editha.
The Karagwe Diocese runs economic, educational, political, public and social welfare. This is a wide range of projects which deal with every part of human life. Started with a heifer project, which provided cows to poor families at Karagwe, now, they have projects concerning the advocacy of farmers and the palliative care.
Speaking at a one day meeting, Sr. Editha Sylivester, KAD Planning and Development officer, said their organisation was eager to know how MVIWATA has been able to assist farmers address their challenges while it adds value to their welfare.
On his part, Mr Ibrahim Kimani, a facilitator from Danmission, who accompanied the group said Karagwe farmers could use MVIWATA rich experience could sort coffee market problem, which was apparently distorted by unscrupulous dealers.
“We have come here purposely to learn how farmers in Karagwe can be enabled to sell their produce, coffee or beans, at competitive prices,” said Mr Kimani.
Responding to the posed questions, the MVIWATA Team Leader- Economic Empowerment, Mr Nickson Elly said that through numerous agribusiness, entrepreneurship and advocacy trainings, MVIWATA members were capacitated of bargaining skills to get desirable prices.

The tour that was done by MAYAJA and FAP farmers groups (12 persons) resolved with their host that it was high time the two NGOs find ways to work together by learning and exchanging experience on their operations.
“I am very delighted to know MVIWATA ‘s approach. We will see how better we can work together in future especially in our district where you also operate as MVIWATA covers all the country,” added Sr. Editha.
The Karagwe Diocese runs economic, educational, political, public and social welfare. This is a wide range of projects which deal with every part of human life. Started with a heifer project, which provided cows to poor families at Karagwe, now, they have projects concerning the advocacy of farmers and the palliative care.
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